Without doubt, watching movies is among one of the most popular ways of spending leisure time. Although, we are watching it for entertainment purposes, the amount of hours spent for this activity has a profound impact on our culture, taste and perception of life overall. Good films are not only source of positive emotions, but also critical analyzes of certain events. The film directed by Steve McQueen “12 Years a Slave” is a great example of this genre.
The film “12 years a slave” is not only an exceptionally good screened, but also provides food for thoughts to its audience. There are few contexts in this movie that triggers viewer`s reflections on given subject. The director depicted the problem of slavery on three fundamental levels – historical, personal and moral – to create full experience for the audience.
This scene provides historical insight to the life-style of white people of United States of 19th century. The action takes place in the mid-19th century, when some states of America were already free, while other, were still slave owner states. We can observe the duality of America of 1840`s when freedom and slavery lived hand-in-hand. We can see that kidnapping of African Americans from the free slates were the usual thing and you can lose everything you worked for over the night. From the dialogues of Mr. Ford we can understand that people of the South deeply believed that there is no way the Afro-Americans can have the same rights as they do, even if they had a feeling there is something wrong with this fact. The issue of slavery depicted here with all terrifying honesty and clarity.

The second layer of the movie is to show the disruptive impact of this reality on certain life. Solomon Northup is a free-born African-American from the New York State. He lives honest live, trying with his own work to ensure his family`s bright future. From the scenes at Parker`s shop and flashbacks from Solomon family life style we can say that Mr. Northup is a dedicated family man. Also he is a proud man as it hurts him that his wife, Margaret, has to cook for another family to earn money for the family. This was the main reason why a talented musician agreed to work for travel circus. As honest man as he is, it is hard for him to realize how brutally his companions sold him to slavery. At first he is even certain that his partners, Hamilton and Brown, will come back for him.
At the time all pack of new slaves was shipping to South, the viewer can get acquainted with other characters. Those are quite symbolic figures. There is a man who was born as a slave and does not know what it means to be a free man. He worships his master, even though The Master treats him the same way he treats his pet. He repeats all the time that his master is going to safe him, while Solomon and few others are trying to come up with any idea to escape. At this moment we can see how deep the abyss between those people is and yet they are in the same situation.
The director did a great job by summarizing the immoral aspect of slavery closer to the end of movie. By introducing the Canadian worker Samuel Bass, he showed an alternative view on life, where all people should be treated equally. His conversation with Epps contrasts two opposing views on the life. During this debate the main though of movie is proclaimed: “What is true and right should be true and right for all”.
All in all, the film directed by Steve McQueen is one of the best examples of high-quality work of art. It explained issue of slavery from historical, personal and moral aspects to create deeper understanding and empathy of viewer. This is the kind of movie that makes you realize and appreciate the time you live in.