The landing of the first man on the moon is a paramount national event. For this reason, the landing of Apollo 11 should become an official national holiday for these reasons: it represents the extreme effort of our country; it could offer learning opportunities for all, and display science and discovery of God’s Creation.
First, the landing of Apollo 11 is a representation of the extreme effort in our country to keep the United States of America number 1! The engineers and scientists worked tirelessly for eight years to meet the national goal set by President John F. Kennedy: perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth. As a matter of fact, countless people will observe the work of our country up to this point and follow in their footsteps by demonstrating an extreme effort to express national pride by adopting the first man on the moon as a national holiday. Second, if the first man on the moon becomes a national holiday, schools will have a day to teach about space travel and the history of the first man on the moon. Further, if students don’t have an interest in space exploration and the history of the first man on the moon, they can learn other crafts: electrical engineering, software development, mechanical, and other fields. Hence, creating desperately needed engineers in America, and this event would allow everyone to participate.
Third, adopting the first man on the moon will result in the showing of videos related to space exploration across the country, not for a class but for an outstanding national holiday. This display is influential due to when shown NASA space scenes on the Moon and planets, it is not NASA’s work but the wonder of God’s creation. Watching astronauts exploring is an almost hypnotic experience that will only bring needed attention to space exploration and to the history of the subject. With advancing space transportation breakthroughs, public space tourism might be possible in the future if the Apollo 11 landing becomes a national holiday.

Nevertheless, a few skeptics will still doubt the inevitable truth that is the Apollo 11 landing as a national holiday. Namely, many dislike the idea of a brand-new national holiday because it may bring unneeded costs to schools and to the nation in general. But, NASA could finance this day and it would create copious amount future astronauts for the future of space exploration. Seeing this, NASA should finance this national holiday. However, there is still the controversial idea that the landing was a hoax. If this was the case, it should still be a national holiday, but under a different name. On the 20th of July, 1969, it would be a phenomenal achievement with the lacking technology available to them to film and fake the moon landing. Just the current time alone during the landing is evidence enough to destroy this argument. Why should Columbus Day be a national holiday and the first man on the moon not?
Overall, showing our country’s national efforts, providing learning opportunities, and displaying science and God’s creation are a few of the undeniable reasons to adopt the first man on the moon as a national holiday. Adopting this new national holiday would benefit the whole nation. This national event would occur on the 20th of July. That certainly would make school on July 20th much more entertaining.