In the middle of many people’s life they change in different ways. In the Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain many characters change a lot. One of the characters who changed a lot is Huckleberry Finn the son of the town drunkard. Huckleberry Finn Changed is a colossally dynamic character in the Adventure of Tom Sawyer.
In Mark Twain’s classic novel Huck Finn is daring at the beginning but cautious at the end. In the beginning Huck is daring. For example in chapter 9 Huck goes to the graveyard at midnight with only a black cat and Tom Sawyer and doesn’t run while witnessing a murder. This show he is daring because he did not run from a scary and perilous moment. He changes from that moment and when he gets trapped in the haunted house. These moments change him to a cautious person. He is very cautious when he goes into haunted house because he has a bad feeling about it. This is shown when he tries to talk Tom out of going in to dig for the treasure. Huckleberry Finn changed from daring to cautious because a lot of bad things happened around him. In conclusion, Huck Finn changed a lot from his daring self in the beginning.

In Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer Huck Finn starts as content and careless. He is content and careless in the beginning when he traded with the boys in town like any other young child. But then he changed when he came in to ginormous amount of money and got adopted. He changed to a struggling person. This is shown when he runs away from his step-mom widow Douglas because he did not like the rules of society. In conclusion, Huck Finn changed a lot and started struggling near the end.
In a classic novel written by Mark Twain one of the most dynamic characters was Huckleberry Finn. Huck changed from Daring to cautious after he witnesses Doc Robinson’s murder and when he got trapped in the haunted house by Injun Joe. Huckleberry also changed from content to struggling after getting rich and being adopted. In conclusion, many people change after interesting, bizarre, or traumatic events.