Making the Public Aware
In 2013, there were about 3,200 deaths due to distracted driving. But, people decided to make the public aware of these statistics by creating advertisements. So, when you first look at this specific ad, the main thing you see is the dark red blood spewing through the phone, onto this poor woman’s face. The ad at first just looks gory, and shocking, but once you read the words the whole picture comes together. This ad has these impressions because they really stood out, with all the blood, and even having the words written in that person’s blood. This ad is appealing to people’s ethos, and making them feel emotional about the issue of distracted driving. The things that make this ad efficient for getting this idea through to people is that it is gory, that is pertains to everyday people, and that it has an emotional transfer to the viewer.
The blood within this ad is so saturated that it really stands out compared to the very dull colored background. This woman was obviously not expecting to have blood being splattered on her through the phone, and her face shows it; she has her eyes shut tightly, and is leaning away from the phone. She is also cringing at all of the blood that is getting on her. But, the blood does not look like it is only getting on her, it looks like it is about to get on the viewer themselves. Majority of the blood is directed onto her, but little spots of blood are heading toward the people looking at the ad, which draws them into looking more at it, and reading what the blood says. Also, the fact that the words, “Don’t talk while he drives” are on this ad, it just adds to how gory it is.
Many people can easily relate to this ad, which makes it efficient to the audience they are trying to inform. Now, in Hawaii it is illegal to be on the phone while you are driving, and this ad serves as a reminder to people to stay off of their phones while they drive. This ad is showing a true depiction of what can actually happen if people choose to disobey this law. Also, most people can relate to this ad because a lot of drivers use their phones while driving, and some people are the ones on the other side of the phone distracting a driver. The ad brings to light the consequence of both sides of an accident that can be caused by distracted driving. The person viewing this will understand the idea that the advertisement is trying to display.

Since the people viewing the advertisement can relate to what is happening in it, they will also have an emotional transfer. When people look at this ad they will somewhat relate themselves to the lady in this picture, they wonder:“How would I feel if that was me?”, “Does she feel like it’s her fault for this person’s death?”, “What if that person was important to her?”, “I talk on the phone with people who are driving, what if I do this to them.”. These people are emotionally trying to understand, and in a sense, feel what this lady is feeling. By doing this, it will make them not want to have that happen to them, and persuade people to stay off of the phone while they are driving.
The scene that is depicted in this advertisement is somewhat scarring to some people, but that is the sole purpose of it. Even when people walk away from the ad they will still be thinking about it later. The fact that it is gory, relatable, and has the ability to transfer emotions to people, all come together to make this ad a one to remember, for a while. This ad may not be telling someone to buy a product, but it is doing something way more important than that. This advertisement is making the public aware of what can happen if you decide to be on the phone while driving, or on the phone with someone who is driving.