The concept of animal cruelty is one that disgusts most people around the world. The idea of hurting an innocent animal is something that most people cannot fathom. Many times cases of animal abuse and animal cruelty go unreported because the victims have no voice. Unfortunately, cases of animal cruelty occur with tremendous frequency around the globe. These acts of cruelty are classified in two different ways. There are those that suffer from active cruelty whereas other animals suffer from passive cruelty. Who are the perpetrators of animal cruelty and what can people do to help?
Types of Animal Cruelty
Many people are not aware that there are different types of animal cruelty. Animals are subjected to active and passive cruelty. Although one is done with the torture and abuse of animals in mind, any type of cruelty towards animals is wrong and is something to be addressed.
- Active Cruelty – People who participate in the intentional harm of animals are participating in active animal cruelty. The list of ways people intentionally harm animals is extensive. The following are some of the most common forms of active cruelty.
- Beating
- Whipping
- Starvation
- Burning
- Animal fighting – dogfighting or cockfighting
- Branding
- Poisoning
- Torturing
- Poaching/hunting
- Hanging
- Mutilation
- Passive Cruelty – This type of animal cruelty is more commonly called neglect. Pet owners, regardless of the type of animal, neglect to give the pets they are entrusted with the basics needed for their survival. They forget to provide them with adequate food and water which can lead to starvation and dehydration. Leaving an animal outside exposed to the elements due to the lack of proper shelter is another form of passive cruelty.
Animals subjected to either form of animal cruelty suffer a horrible fate. Hundreds if not thousands of animals each year die as a direct result of animal cruelty. Many of these animals never receive any form of justice as the abusers are never reported and no charges are filed against them. Animals that somehow manage to survive any form of animal abuse or cruelty have mental, physical, and psychological issues. Many of these animals find it very hard to ever trust another human.

Who are Animal Abusers?
In a rather shocking revelation, research has discovered a correlation between those guilty of animal cruelty and individuals that are guilty of domestic violence and/or child abuse. Many people who participate in abuse and cruelty against children and adults began their cruelty on their family pets. One study stated that when people are being investigated for child abuse a staggering 88% of the pets in those families were subjected to some form of animal cruelty or abuse. Further studies have shown that if a child has a propensity for abusing animals that they are at a greater risk at being violent towards people in general at some point of their lives. When looking at women who enter shelters for domestic violence, between 71% – 83% of those women state their abuse partner abused or killed any pets the family owned.
What can be done?
In recent years the reality of animal cruelty has become something not as hidden as it once was to the masses. Lawmakers have heard the outcries of animal activists and have taken steps to legal deal with perpetrators. In 46 states in the United States alone, felony charges are on the books for those convicted of first time offenses of animal cruelty. Other anti-cruelty laws on are the books to protect animals and prosecute those guilty of torturing, abusing, and aggravated cruelty against companion animals. To further get an accurate picture of how many animals are victims are subject to animal cruelty or abuse a year the FBI added a cruelty to animals category to the Uniform Crime Report in January of 2016.
Individuals wanting to help with animal cruelty can report suspected animal abuse or neglect to the authorities. With the watchful eye of friends, family, and neighbors there is a greater chance of saving an innocent animal from a life of abuse and cruelty. The active involvement of the community on animal cruelty also helps prosecutors and law enforcement officers to target crimes against animals, potentially saving lives of hundreds if not thousands of animals.