This study examines the clear difference of men and women enrolling in theatre acting and film acting programs in post secondary institutions. This research team noticed a visible difference in the number of females and males in performing arts programs at the post secondary level, leading us to question whether or not these programs and professions were considered more suitable for one gender than another. With no previous research on this specific topic, we set out to find as much as we could in surrounding areas of research, leading us to similar studies on how children perceive gender (Patterson, 2012) and exactly what it meant when one assumed a profession to be meant for exclusively for one gender (Cejka, 1999). Our hypothesis was that theatre acting would be considered vastly more feminine than film acting, which would be considered a more masculine profession. In testing through both surveys and interviews conducted with participants of the general public and our own social circles. Our mix of qualitative and quantitative data proved our hypothesis correct, though not to the extent we had expected.
We decided on this research topic as a group after having been assigned the category of gender and sexuality. I had mentioned to my group that I had seen a significantly lower number of men in the theatre program at my high school, and this trend only seemed to continue as I reached post secondary. My colleagues agreed and stated their own experiences of either playing a character of a different gender in plays they had been in, or watching a play and seeing a clear difference between the number of men and women on stage. This brought us to consider why this might be the case. Why are there so few men in theatre? I then brought up how, being a film student, there never seems to be a shortage of male actors for our films. My colleagues agreed that this was strange and there was a clear disconnect between the two sides of the same coin. Since none of us could answer why this may be, we found it an excellent place to begin our research.

For this study we decided to use grounded theory, meaning we developed it from our area of interest, as well an observation. We observed significantly fewer men than women in one post secondary theatre performance program. We decided that grounded theory was the best choice, as we had made these observations in our own lives, and wished to discover whether or not they were in fact true. This theory also assisted in shaping our research methodologies and our interview/survey questions. We also used the theory of gender typing used by Cejka (1999) to influence our research.
Literature Review
Self-perceived gender typicality, gender-typed attributes, and gender stereotype endorsement in elementary-school-aged children, Patterson- 2012
In this article, Patterson conducted research on school-aged children and their self-perceived gender typicality. That is to say, how children perceive their own gender, and genders other than their own. This research was based on abilities, interests, physicality and personality traits. Using mainly qualitative research methods, such as interviews and participant observation, Patterson concluded that school aged children do in fact have a clear concept of gender. They see themselves as the stereotypes of either boys or girls, based on their interests and cultural views.
Gay Stereotypes: The Use of Sexual Orientation as a Cue for Gender-Related Attributes, Blashill and Powlishta- 2009
Blashill and Powlishta define gender roles in this article as “expected roles due to the embodiment of what is considered male or female”. This study as a whole explores the assumptions of gender roles associated with gay individuals and compares it to the assumptions of gender roles associated with the heterosexual community. For example, lesbians may be seen as more masculine, while straight women may be seen as typically more feminine when compared.