The Pros and Cons of Censorship
Over the years, there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not censorship is an acceptable government practice. The issue at times, has become so controversial that it has literally divided the nation into several different groups. Those who are for it base their arguments on the belief that with censorship there is balance and a clear understanding of proper language both written and spoken while those who are opposed claim that if permitted, the people lose their freedom of speech.
Regardless of what side of the issue you may fall on, censorship hits to the very heart of humanity. It attempts to control the very thing that separates us from all of the creations on earth. The ability to communicate at a level that goes deeper than any other form of communication is at the heart of every television program we watch, every play or movie we see, and even every book or magazine we pick up to read.
Still, many people do not fully understand what censorship actually means. They often conclude that it is a means of those in authority attempting to curtail the people’s freedom of expression, however the issue goes much deeper than that.
The Moral Code
Every society has its own moral code they base their decisions on. This moral code is in place to keep society functioning in a manner that is comfortable for everyone. This is why no matter where you are there will be some form of censorship. For example, it is censorship that keeps pornographic literature from the eyes of those under age or too young to grasp its implications. In these cases, censorship protects the minds of the innocent and shields them from corruption before they are old enough to understand the real issues involved. You see this type of censorship in the rating of movies, the categorizing of books, or in the lyrics of certain music. By adhering to a specific moral code set about in a particular society, censorship can thus serve as a protection. (1)

Benefits of Censorship
It is also censorship that keeps people from plagiarizing another person’s work or from revealing private details and information about other people. In these cases, the information that secures your credit and private matters can remain relatively secure. It also keeps people from slandering or even libeling people who think and believe different from someone else. Therefore, some people may choose to dislike one person for whatever reason but because of censorship they are not permitted to spread lies about someone who may be different from them. (1)
This protects various cultures from racism, feminism, or any other form of discrimination. And it protects the public by preventing them from making any sort of claim on their products that may not be entirely true.
In fact, some benefits of censorship we don’t readily see because it is not at the very forefront of everything they need to know. It is often hidden, and at times pointed out as sinister in its purpose. (2)
The Ugly Side of Censorship
While there are definitely some benefits to censorship, it does have its own drawbacks and flaws. No decision is perfect but when censorship is applied with the wrong motives, it can have a very negative effect on everyone involved. For example, when there is a definite compromise to the freedom of the press and speech, it may intrude on all areas of creativity and in the wrong hands it can easily be misused.
The bottom line is that censorship can cut two ways. While many of us are quick to cry out that censorship is not appropriate in a progressive society, few will realize that every day, part of who they have become and their course in life has been the direct result of censorship. So, while you may be thinking about all of the things there are that censorship can put limits on, it pays for all of us to learn and realize how we have benefited over the years by having this very controversial issue in place.