
Children Having the Right to Education Essay

Around the world over 72 millions of children are not having the access to the proper. Most children have the Right to Education but are not allowed to take their chance at it due to the circumstances and the tools they may need. Besides, teachers may not receive proper education themselves which will decrease the kid’s chance of obtaining enough knowledge to in future to nail their dream job. The classrooms are very disturbing with cracking walls and ceilings made out of twigs and sticks, some schools do not even have enough classrooms. Many businesses are raising money to keep children learning and funding the schools. Children in third world countries deserve the education their peers in developed countries are getting.

In 2002 the Indian Government passed the Eighty-Sixth Amendment which gave children ages six-fourteen the right to education. “The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine” (Elementary Education | Government of India) Some things do not add up, though – how can children be educated by teachers who were not educated properly. They might have been given two to three years of education when they were teens. “The UN estimates that 1.6 million additional new teachers are required to achieve universal primary education by 2015, and 5.1 million more are needed to achieve universal lower secondary education by 2030.” (Global Citizens) For the world to have a proper education trained teachers are needed but we don’t have enough of those. Our generation seems very inspired to teach. Lots of students that I have talked to think teaching would be a life changing experience. Soon maybe we will have enough teachers to end the battle of uneducated students around the world.

Another reason for children not receive education is child labor. Human trafficking is one of the biggest problems in India and has affected many other issues. “With child labor in prevalence, there will always be children outside school. A zero-tolerance approach to the practice of child labor can only enable the children to get a chance at education.” (Smile Foundation India) With child labor going on most children will not be given the ability to go to school. “Parents are frequently promised that their child will go to school or get job training. Wages are sometimes paid to the parents in advance, particularly if the child has to live some distance from home. In other cases the child receives no wages and works solely for their upkeep”. (Do Children Have Rights? Carroll) When parents send their children off to a job training or labor camp they are promised that their child will be taught profession skills, instead, the children are being forced into labor.


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Besides, lack of funding makes education less appealing. The number of donations has been decreasing throughout the past twelve years. “The 59 developing countries that are GPE partners face a funding shortage of $34 billion over the next four years for primary and secondary education.”(Global Citizens) Many countries are experiencing money shortages and decide to use their money on things other than education. People argue that education is a waste of money when there are things more important. Though education may not be needed but having good education is the key. “The Global Partnership is aiming to raise $3.5 billion in new investment from donor countries into the GPE fund, as well as increases in other aid to education, and is also asking developing country partners to pledge increases in their own domestic financing. If these pledges are made, GPE estimate that they can leverage a further $16 billion in spending by developing countries on education, aiming to close the global education funding gap.” The Global Partnership is a foundation who raises money for the children in need of an education. They plan to raise money so that children are not in this crisis anymore.

Children with disabilities are granted the right to education. Funding the education of children with disabilities should not be thought as a waste of money.  Yes, teachers may need some extra help in order to find the way to make these kids education process as comfortable as possible; and that’s may be the reason why some are advocating for the home-based education for kids with disabilities. Still, isolating these kids will do more harm than good.

For us to come up with great ideas which could make this world better, we should be educated to know what’s out there should be changed, improved, or discontinued. Children are our future. Thus, educating kids means investing into the better future.

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