While I was at my tour at the William George Agency, I have learned three new things that were related to juveniles. The first thing that I learned on the tour was that the juveniles there on the campus are allowed to participate in athletic sport competitions against other high schools around them, even one of the schools they compete against is a school that’s in my home town. The Impact of the lesson for me was that, knowing the kids from William George school were allowed to play in competitive games against other schools, it gave them a chance to have fun and explore in something new that could possibly grow on them as a new interest that could then pursue them on setting future goals, because I am a firm believer of sports being a gateway for troubled individuals to become a better person. It also allowed the William George Students to learn about teamwork and coming together as one, hopefully letting each other know they have each other’s back. Second thing that I learned on the tour was that the William George Agency has an employee that was once a former troubled student that went there before, who probably had the most runaway attempts on record. Even though that probably wasn’t a good thing, but I see the impact of the lesson to be that the guy who was once a student there can show the current students there that, it is possible to come out of the Agency and become a very successful individual, so I can see the man being a perfect role model for the students to follow and look after. The third thing that I learned from the tour is that, students there are given the opportunity to work and help out in both the garages and with the equine horses. I see the impact of the lesson being different for both the garage and equine. Students who helped out in the garage, were given the chance to learn about cars and how to properly fix them, which teaches them to have a very useful skill that could hopefully one day give them a career in the future. Students who helped out with the horses in the equine were given the opportunity to learn about responsibilities, develop a new skill, and learn about the true meaning of life by learning how to take care of another living thing.

Overall I thought the William George Agency was a spectacular place for troubled juveniles to live at. William George Agency provides the juveniles with a campus that is much nicer than a lot of colleges in the country, especially Morrisville. They have more things to do on their property than what I have to do for fun back at home, not only that, I’m very bitter of what they have, because I spend thousands of dollars to attend at a school that doesn’t nearly have what they have and they get all of that for free, because of the crime they caused, but that’s just me being jealous. William George Agency is an amazing opportunity for the juveniles to escape the nightmares they once lived with back home and a great opportunity for them to change their lives around for a better future. Living areas allow the juveniles to feel like they are more at home than living in a prison. Students are provided with a common area to hang out with each other, gyms to workout in, a driving range, a rock climbing wall, a heated indoor pool, and an Xbox to play with. Living there is the closest thing to paradise in my head for the juveniles and everything they do is very helpful for the juveniles, because from what they told us at the tour, they have students there who are soon to be attending college, which is amazing.
My personal thoughts on the tour are good things with only one complaint. I thought the tour was a good thing to do in order to learn more about juvenile’s delinquents and the agencies they are put through, plus it was my first time going on a field trip sense freshmen year of high school. I also thought the trip was a good thing to attend, because it personally helped me get an idea of what it is like working in a job field like that for a backup plan. Another positive thought about the trip was that we got a little taste of what the juveniles go through on a daily basis there, both good things and bad. The only problem I had with the trip was that it was very short and felt like we were being rushed. I know we got there late, because of someone, so next time I think the class should leave no matter who isn’t there on time, but overall I did enjoy the tour and I learned a lot about it as well.