Feminism in The Modern World
If you turn to a dictionary, feminism is defined as ‘the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes’. It is a simple explanation and it seems like a pretty fair approach to life. Why shouldn’t there be equality between the sexes. However, in reality feminism – especially in the modern world – is so much more complicated.
What is Gender Inequality?
In order to understand modern feminism, it is important to first understand what it is that feminists are fighting against – gender inequality. So, what exactly is gender inequality? In an ideal world, men and women would both be represented equally in all areas and given all of the same rights and opportunities. However, while gender inequality exists this is not the case. It is more apparent in some parts of the world than it is in others, but even in progressive countries like Britain, Australia and the United States there is evidence of women getting short changed! One of the most common examples which has been in the media of late is the ‘wage gap’. Several actresses including Jennifer Lawrence and Gillian Anderson have recently spoken out about being paid less for movies that they have starred in than their male co-stars – even in cases where they are the bigger box office draw. They seem to be discriminated against for no other reason than the fact that they are female. While Hollywood stars may not be short of a few bucks, it is still unacceptable for them to paid less than a male actor doing the same job. It is also something that is happening not just in Hollywood, but in all manner of workplaces.
Other examples of gender inequality include women being told that they are to blame for sexual assault for dressing provocatively or girls being pushed into studying certain domestic subjects at school such as hospitality and secretarial studies rather than being encouraged to pursue interests in more male dominated subjects such as engineering. Then of course, if you look further afield to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia where women have fewer rights than men cases of gender inequality are far more extreme with women being forbidden from being in public without a chaperone and unable to go shopping or even drive.

Feminism In The Modern World
In the sixties, when feminism was first coming into the mainstream feminists were seen as aggressive man haters who were all about burning their bras and refusing to shave their armpits. However, most of us have come to realise that this has very little to do with feminism. Feminism in the modern world is about fighting for equal rights for women. Some of the most common issues being tackled are the wage gap, the portrayal of women in the media and violence against women. These are issues that most women – and plenty of men – feel passionately about and are more than happy to support. However, there is also a different side to feminism that many women feel uncomfortable with. This is known as radical feminism and it is much more closely related to the bra burning feminism of the sixties. A growing number of women are becoming frustrated with this particular brand of feminism which seems to see sexism at every turn and vilifies men for holding the door for women or paying for dinner. Unfortunately this is the brand of feminism that seems to get the most air time and while radicals are shouting about these trivial issues, the important stuff gets lost in the noise.
In conclusion, it is clear that gender inequality is still a big issue and that feminists in the modern world are still fighting against it. However, feminism has evolved over the years and it is far more complicated that it once was. There are several different types of feminism and some of them are seemingly at odds with one another. There is a real need for issues of gender inequality to be tackled, but often radical feminism puts people off using the term feminism.