Is Fishing Beneficial In Today’s Society
Fishing first began as a necessary skill to survive. There were no supermarkets to buy food at any time desired. People needed to catch their own food, and an easy way of doing so was by catching fish in water. But as society has evolved and the need to catch food is all but gone, fishing is still as popular as ever. This leaves the question- is there a purpose for recreational fishing in today’s society?
That question can be evaluated by several factors. One must take into consideration what is going on in current times. First off, today’s society is very inactive. People spend hours everyday watching tv, or using their phones and computers. Not only are people very inactive, but are also under lots of stress because there is a lot to be worried about in everyday life. With life being so tough, it is necessary to escape from time to time. There are numerous issues facing the United States at the moment that have yet to be resolved. One problem is the high unemployment rates. There needs to be ways to give more people jobs to help them supply for themselves and their families. There are also complaints about lack of diversity and equality in the workplace. This issue may stem from the prejudice past of the country which may cause lack of understanding of other groups of people. One final problem is the disconnect in family life. The younger generation has trouble connecting and communicating with the older generation and that causes families to not be as close as they could be. Through its social aspects and physical aspects, fishing may help resolve these problems.
I had just spent most of the day indoors watching television and eating food. I glanced outside and saw that it was a beautiful day out. I felt bad about myself for my unhealthy habits and wanted to change that. I desperately craved to explore the outdoors and get some fresh air. I grabbed my fishing pole and tackle and left.

Modern times have made people more unhealthy and going outside is less common. In fact, each day ”The average person spends 8 hours and 41 mins on electronic devices.” ( But humans have always felt the desire to be outside, and fishing is the perfect opportunity to get outside and active. People are always looking for ways to get outside more, and fishing is an easy activity that anyone could do. Any excuse to get outside is a good one and fishing provides the chance to get fresh air. Fresh air is amazing for the human body because the oxygen is cleaner and purer than it is inside. Breathing fresh air is great for the mind and body. Being around fresh air helps improve the lungs and the sun’s rays are healthy for the skin too if proper skin protection is used.
After being landlocked for several years, I finally decided to buy a kayak to maximize the amount of spots I could fish. I now am able to pack several things in my kayak and paddle across lakes. With the amount of paddling I do, I get in a good workout every time I want to fish.
My dad had surprised me with a trip on a charter fishing boat. I had never went before and was looking forward to spending the day catching ocean fish. By the end of the day, I must have caught 100 fish. The amount of reeling I had to do had made my arms so sore, I could barely move them.
Once outside, it is easier to do more activities to get exercise. A fishing trip includes walking from spot to spot, rowing (if in a boat), and also reeling in fish. With all of these activities possible, the amount of exercise fishing can give is astronomical. Fishing is a low impact sport that is not hard on the human body which makes it great for someone who does not want to go to the gym. Lifting weights at the gym may be fine for some people, but others have lack of motivation to put that amount of pressure on their bodies. Fishing is a surprisingly effective calorie burning alternative for those not willing to go to the gym daily. Fishing is truly a full body workout that does not demand a lot on the body to get the full effects. Dexterity and reflexes become improved while fishing because of activities like tying hooks on fishing line.The upper body will be used to reel in fish and the lower body is used for moving around which can help improve the cardiovascular system. Fishing causes so much movement that it can burn more than 200 calories per hour according to That same website also showed that if someone did various things during their fishing trip such as dig up worms, or paddle, the calories burned in a day could reach almost 1,000.