Joseph Conrad is among the writers whose works were read not only by regular readers, but also future fellow writers. Several generations of writers from Ernest Hemingway and Jack London to William Faulkner and Graham Greene. They have learned the art of composition from him, lapidary capacity descriptions, expressive music of phrases. Conrad came from a Polish family. Hired as a sailor on an English merchant ship, he traveled to all the continents, was promoted to captain and British citizenship. He was fluent in Polish and French, but began to write in English. More surprising, that even contemporaries considered him one of the best English writers. The action of many works of Conrad’s happening on land, but the writer’s talent fully revealed in the books, which are devoted to the sea. The highest achievement of Conrad is small volume novel “Heart of Darkness”.
Polish classic of English literature pretentious told us about the decay of the human person. The story is short, but read slowly and strained. No, not because of bad language or philosophical distractions. The thing is heavy, oppressive atmosphere that the first pages of envelops you and does not let go even after reading. Polish classic of English literature pretentious told us about the decay of the human person. The story is short, but read slowly and strained. Not because of bad language or philosophical distractions. The thing is heavy, oppressive atmosphere that the first pages of envelops you and does not let go even after reading.
The action of the story takes place on a ship board, that is at anchor in the Thames. Marlow, on behalf of the narrator, tells the story of his past travels. Crossing Africa, to get on board a merchant ship, with growing disgust, Marlow watching the greed of ivory traders, brutal exploitation of the natives. In one of the offices of the company, he learns about the famous agent named Kurtz, who is in another department of the company in the heart of “the country of ivory”. Marin takes a long and difficult passage through the country to get on the ship, the captain of which is Kurtz. But soon Marlow learns that the ship mysteriously crashed. He also learns that Kurtz fired his assistant, and he is seriously ill. After the repairment of the ship was made, Marlowe goes to a two-month journey to Kurtz. The river flows through the dense silent forests, filling Marlow with a growing sense of horror. Not far from the destination, the ship was attacked by the natives, as a result steering has died. On the inside of the station Marlow meets a naive young Russian sailor who tells him about the brilliant success of Kurtz, that has almost divine power over the local tribes. The heads, impaled on stakes around the hut, allowed him to understand that Kurtz has reached power through a barbaric ritual. Marlow tries to take Kurtz down the river, but he died on the way, entrusting to deliver two packages to the destination: a report and several letters to his girlfriend.

In the novel “Heart of Darkness” evil is in the Conrad’s focus. Evil is external – the jungle, the element of darkness, evil becomes the inner, primitive, at the level of instincts. Starting with a description of the hostile river, aboriginal author gradually shifts the focus on the Kurtz, which is a reflection of the Marlow, his dark corners of the soul. It is not a demon, not a person, a character, subordinating the will of others. Initially there is a connection, the attraction between the narrator-hero Marlow and commercial agent Kurtz. As we move deeper into the darkness connection becomes closer, and after the death of an agent – mystical. Kurtz essentially is Marlow’ anti-twin, its innermost essence, and it looks scary – overbearing, capable not only to subdue the will of man, but also the element.