Shakespeare’s works are timeless as he often examines the human experience in a way that everyone can relate to. Even though the shakespearean language is written differently than modern literature the message behind the words is the same. One of the relatable pieces he wrote is the play Hamlet which provides readers many different ways to interpret its contents. I relate most to one of Hamlet’s soliloquies in particular where Hamlet works himself into a frenzy over the fact that he has done nothing in order to revenge his father’s murder. Hamlet beats himself up, calling himself a coward, becoming upset with himself and questioning his character and I think everyone can relate to that because who has not become so frustrated with themselves to the point of questioning everything they should do, should have done, or did in the past.
Throughout this soliloquy Hamlet is angry at himself, at first it starts out as a mild feeling which then spirals into a pit of self doubt and almost self hatred. This soliloquy is about self judgement and self proclaimed worthlessness, all fairly negative connotations. Hamlet calls himself “monstrous” (Shakespeare 2.2.578) which means un-natural but I do not think it is unnatural to have second thoughts about taking a human life – even if it is someone who might deserve it. This soliloquy is translated on different websites the same way and there is only one noticeable difference in the way the soliloquy is translated, in some of the translations Hamlet compares himself to “scullion” ( which translates to a lowly worker (such as a maid or janitor) and the other that compares him with a “stallion” (Shakespeare 2.2.616) which translates to a hooker, or whore. Both of these translations are not positive and express Hamlet’s view of himself very clearly. It makes me believe that it is possible at this moment Hamlet views himself at the same moral level as Claudius who he believes killed his father.
Another way to interpret this soliloquy is to think of it as a criticism about lack of action. Hamlet sees the actor putting in all this effort into playing his role when Hamlet has yet to play his role the ghost has given him. Hamlet has only thought about what he has to do, when he says “unpack my heart with words” (Shakespeare 2.2.614) Hamlet is denouncing himself for only using words to seek his revenge instead of action. I think what really makes him upset is that it is his dead father appearing to him as ghost, asking him to do this as his son and he cannot bring himself to carry it out. He not only thinks this cowardly but also believes he is letting his father down and not fulfilling the duties of a son to his father.

All the feelings and emotions Hamlet is experiencing in this soliloquy I have felt before, maybe not over something as bizarre as his situation however I am still able to empathize. For example, I have always wanted to get a B average in school -a 3.0- however at the end of every semester, at the end of every year I have never achieved this goal. If I think about it for too long I start to think about what I could have done and start to get angry at myself because of my inaction, my inaction that has a permanent effect. I think about how this permanent effect will affect my future and then start to believe that grades are the only things that matter and that I fail at the only thing that matters. I develop horse blinders that blind me to the fact that some people do not fit into the box that public education provides but that those people can still succeed and that highschool is not primarily about education of materials. However, Hamlet never reaches the resolution that I do, he just gets himself thinking he is ready to kill Claudius and the pattern of inaction begins again.
Shakespeare’s view of the human experience is what makes this play a tragedy. The human experience involves all kinds of emotions, but the majority of the emotions Hamlet feels are negative. Hamlet is gifted with intelligence and many cunning abilities which are rendered useless as he becomes too self absorbed in his lack of action to revenge his father. As the play goes on Hamlet’s mental state gets worse and worse. This is no way to live, always having to question who you can trust, and having switch off between acting mad or sane and eventually not being able to tell the difference. Throughout the play Hamlet’s friend Horatio remains loyal to him.
While the customs as well as the conflict in this play are hard to relate to in our modern age, the messages still remain true. You control the way you think of yourself, and tough situations only get tougher when you fall into a pit of self criticism. There will be people in your life who want to tear you down but there will also be people who build you up and you choose with whom to spend your time.