November 22nd, 1963 was one of the worst days in United States history. One day in Dallas Texas, our great president John Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, or was it someone else? I firmly believe that Lee Harvey Oswald directly shot JFK, but the conspiracy theory is CIA was involved.
Jim Garrison convicted David Ferrie, an American pilot, for being involved in the shooting of JFK. Oswald said that they were friends and knew each other. Ferrie denied any involvement in a conspiracy and said he never knew Oswald. Garrison also thought Clay Shaw, a businessman, was involved in the assassination. Shaw was the only person convicted under Garrison for the shooting of JFK. I believe that Garrison is not entirely wrong. Garrison thinks someone from the CIA did it themselves. I believe that there were rogue officers of the CIA involved, but did not directly shoot the president.. Lee Harvey Oswald did not solely do the shooting all because of his own convictions. He was motivated and possibly told to shoot the president for a huge amount of cash.

The teacher Vince Salandria believes that JFK was murdered by a member of the US military because JFK was getting friendly with Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev. Many accused JFK for being a communist and a traitor. I do not believe that he was either one of those falsely accused names. He thought the military did it because Kennedy wanted to get out of Vietnam. They believed from a military’s view, it would be bad for business. He came to the conclusion that the CIA killed the president at the military’s behest. Even after the Warren Commission came to the conclusion that the assassination was in the works of Oswald; he did not stop believing otherwise. CIA and military members were probably angry about JFK leaving Vietnam. I also think that some were involved in the idea of assassinated the president. At the same time, I would not think dedicated American government officials would shoot the president. Some thought otherwise, and believed that Kennedy should be shoot. Oswald’s mother said that Lee Harvey was a CIA agent, which would make it clear that some CIA members had to have gotten involved in the plot behind Kennedy’s murder.
In conclusion, John F. Kennedy had people in and out of government planning to kill him. Lee Harvey Oswald was the doer of the action, the rogue agents of the CIA and the military motivated and helped Oswald to commit the one of the most devastating murders in American history. Vince Salandria, and Jim Garrison were not entirely wrong on their theories. The evidence does not add up enough for them, so I do believe that the CIA and possibly the military was involved in the shooting of JFK due to frustration of his decision of the time. Oswald was the only person caught in the act. He shot JFK, but he was not alone in the planning of the assassination.