Mental Health and Minorities Is Not a Minor Issue
Mental illness affects over forty two million Americans, which is one in five Americans each day (NAMI: National Alliance). With mental illness being a common theme in the media and novels throughout the world, the novel It’s Kind of A Funny Story by Vizzini creates a relatable tale of a minority adolescent suffering with mental illness and the struggles that come with it. Based on various research concerning the effects of mental illness on minorities and the novel It’s Kind of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini, mental illness disproportionately affects minority groups including women, lower income persons and people of racial minority backgrounds, thus displaying a controversial issue intoday’s society that requires immediate attention.
Mental illness greatly affects the minority group of women when compared to men. Nearly one in eight women are affected by depression in their lifetime, which is twice the amount of men who are affected by depression (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Women are forty percent more likely to develop mental illness than men, which is analytically significant considering that the majority of people are unaware of how many people are diagnosed with mental health conditions each year(Ball). Women are overly represented in the low-income and low-status jobs which makes them more likely to live in poverty than men, thus displaying not only a considerable problem pertaining to equality in the workforce,but the distinct difference in the amount of women plagued with mental health issues versus men. Women are constantly being placed under social stresses such as gender stereotypes and the fact that women are paid less which makes it harder to advance in a career. Women are also much more likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse, an unfortunate experience that often has long term effects associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (“It’s not Just Sexism”). The fact that women have a 20.4% chance of developing PTSD compared to men who have an 8.1% chance, is an alarming statement and serves as a sign that something in our society and culture needs to change in order to substantially reduce the percentage of those affected (“Mental Health Statistics”). Eating disorders are classified as mental illnesses and greatly affect women compared to men. Almost two percent of women develop an eating disorder each year, while only point two percent of men develop an eating disorder each year. The difference in the percentages of affected individuals between men and women is enough to call for action to combat this illness across the world and in the ever changing society in which we live in (“Women and Mental Health”). The excessive amount of women who are being diagnosed with these conditions when compared to the amount of men with these same disorders is concerning. More research should be conducted to provide answers to why women are more affected than men, followed by solutions to these problems such as expanding education and awareness of mental health and expanding treatment options by making them more accessible.
One in four women are likely to develop depression in their lifetime contrasted to men who have a one in ten chance of developing depression. The reason for this is unexplained but many believe this reason is due to several social factors including poverty levels and social status levels. Others believe the reason is due to hormonal and biological changes in both men and women that cause mental illnesses. This is also a very reasonable theory considering men and women have different genetic makeups. There is a vital problem in the world when fifty percent of babies living in poverty are being raised by depressed mothers. (“Depression in Women”). About seventy percent of low income mothers go without treatment for mental health. This is a significant problem because going without treatment can have long term effects.(“Low Income associated with”).The large amount of women that are affected by mental illness will continue to grow unless combatted quickly by changes brought about by society.

Throughout Vizzini’s novel, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, women are described as being specifically impacted by mental illness. Gender roles in society are addressed when the main character Craig is teased by his friend who tells him, “Don’t be a girl”, when he told them he was being treated for depression (Vizzini 256). Thus addressing the societal stigma that only women can develop mental illness and the idea that men are deemed “unmanly” if they are mentally ill. Another example of females being disproportionately affected by mental illness is shown in the novel when a character says disbelievingly that his “girlfriend doesn’t take any pills” which addresses the prevalence of mental illness,not only in females but in the world (Vizzini 256). The next example of women in the novel who are affected by mental illness are described as staying in the “lunney ward” of the hospital, stereotyping that only those women are severely affected by mental illness (Vizzini 135). The predominance of females mentioned in the novel gives real life examples of the current status of women with mental illness in the world.
Individuals with a lower income are predominantly affected by mental illness. One of the reasons for this concerns the predicament of the poor quality care that is available to these low income individuals. There is a study that shows over fifty seven percent of children with mental illness come from families who are classified as below the federal poverty level, there is a distinct and unhealthy relationship regarding income and mental health (“Strong Relationship Between Income”). A recent study polled that individuals with ‘excellent’ health were reported as being people with higher incomes, men, and people who are white. Money can’t buy you happiness? Think again. This study shows the direct relationship between income and mental health. Men and women who are classified as low income are more often and more severely affected by mental illness and its lasting effects(“Relationship Based On Household”). Employment opportunities are often impacted by the stigma that follows mental illness. The endless cycle of the employment-stigma issues affects individuals’ ability to escape poverty and low income status, resulting in poor mental health (JAMA and Archives Journal). The negative effects of poor mental health care directly correlate to low income. In order to resolve the problem of poor mental health care, there needs to be an initiative to raise a substantial amount of individuals from the low income bracket.
Author of the novel, Ned Vizzini, provides an abundance of examples of mentally ill individuals who are categorized as low income. People who are living in less industrialized areas are more affected by mental illness due to the stress and anxiety that come with struggling economic situations. The main character Craig and his family live in a crowded part of the city and had previously lived in several other apartments. Craig claims that the family had found “a much better apartment but not something to be proud of ” (Vizzini 31). This statement shows that poor income families can struggle with acquiring common health necessities including proper housing, food and water, and proper health care. It is no secret that treatment and care for mental health can often be outrageously expensive, thus often difficult for low income families to afford. This point is emphasized when Craig tells his mother that “you [he] can’t afford to get anyone else” when his mother suggested finding a “better doctor”, exemplifying the feelings of guilt that contribute to a person’s mental health in regards to family and economic positions (Vizzini 37).Vizzini then writes about a patient in the psychiatric wing of the hospital who remarks that he was “living in my[his] car for a year and have [had] nothing” (Vizzini 212). This example of impoverished individuals and their lack of resources shows that it can often lead to severe effects of mental illness state of the individuals.The author emphasizes the matter at hand to relate to the economic difficulties and requires a radical change in order to improve the mental health care of the world.