“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things,”- Steve (Jobs 1996). Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco on February 24th, 1955. (Steve Jobs) As a newborn, he was put up for adoption by his biological parents then as an infant adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. During this time period, many people did not know much about electronics, but Steve found an interest working with his father in their garage, taking apart and learning about new electronics and what they could do. (Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career.) While in high school, he boldly called Hewlett-Packard co-founder and president William Hewlett to ask for parts for a school project. Impressed by Jobs, Hewlett not only gave him the parts, but also offered him a summer internship at Hewlett-Packard. It was there that Jobs met and befriended Steve Wozniak, his future partner to create new technology and the iPhone. Steve Jobs made a huge impact on the whole world by doing what he loved and that was messing with electronics!
After graduating high school, Steve attended Reed College but dropped out after 6 months. He had become obsessed with Indian culture so he took a job designing video games for Atari to fund the trip to Indian. When Steve returned to the United States, he was able to renew his friendship with his old friend Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was trying to build a small computer in his garage and Steve was able to convince Wozniak to go into business with him. Steve Jobs parents garage is where the multi-billion dollar company was started. It was the place where they build the prototype for Apple 1. (“Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career.)

The company Apple which was founded in 2001 is the main reason for Job’s fame around the world.(Trevir Nath.) Jobs made a huge contribution to the world when he designed and released the world’s first iPhone. iPhones are all over the world wherever you look. Research firm eMarketer estimates 184.2 million people in the US will use a smartphone this year. This company made competing companies around the world sweat with creative ideas to try to beat Apple. Advancements in technology have made the companies Samsung and Droid more popular for smart phones. Before the iPhone six came out in late 2014 the 500 millionth iPhone had been sold and the iPhones popular “app store” sold their 50 billionth app. Steve Jobs’s slightest interest in technology affected everyone around the world when he and his team were able to make fast, portable, touchscreen iPhone.
Not everything was smooth. In 1985 Jobs sold his shares of the Apple stocks and resigned from Apple.(“Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career.” ) Shortly after resigning in 1986 Jobs bought Lucasfilm’s computer graphics division for 5 million dollars. The name was changed to Pixar soon after he bought the company. Steve Jobs was as educated as a book; he was able to add greater computer technology and animation to match Disney’s work style. Steve Jobs was able to make a huge impact with his valuable strategic direction he put into the company in. The company got so superior Disney was able to buy it from Steve Jobs and the rest of the supporters in 2006 for 7.4 billion dollars. Pixar animation studios have a huge impact on the movie industry today with some of the most popular animated movies around the world. Some of those popular movies are movies like Toy Story, Cars, Monsters University, and Finding Nemo.
Most of the time ads will flash across your iPhone or computer and says that another celebrity has donated a large amount of money to a charity they support, but this was not the case with Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was known as a philanthropist. (Steve Jobs: Charity work and causes.) Many say that Steve was very ungiving because his acts were barely made public when he did donate to charities. Jobs was very uninterested in getting noticed when he donated or supported a cause because he could lose buyers or people would neglect his products. Steve Jobs supported many causes in his life, including AIDS, HIV, children, women, health, and poverty issues. (Steve Jobs: Charity work and causes.) Jobs believed in supporting what was becoming a great problem in the world and that’s what he put his money into. He donated 50+ million dollars to Stanford hospitals to help fight AIDS.
Steve Jobs overall was an MVP throughout his life, beginning in his father’s garage all the way close to his death when he resigned as the CEO of Apple, a multi-billion dollar company. Without Steve Jobs we would not have our beloved Apple products, iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, iPods. Apple has helped our world make new technological advances. Strengthening Pixar was the best thing Jobs could have done to the animated movie industry, and people all over the world love and enjoy watching these movies with their families. Every star makes it very important to donate to charities to make themself look good, but some do it out of the goodness of their heart and what they think is right and that is exactly what Steven Jobs did. Without Steve Jobs where would the companies Apple and Pixar be and would we be closer to finding a cure for AIDS as we are?