Curiosity is an inherited characteristic and is a part of us because it is what keeps our minds open to discover the unknown, and going beyond it. It also helped our ancestors survive in the early decades, land on the moon, and do what we thought was impossible.
NASA, the science and technology agency that took humans to the moon, is the perfect example of humans’ curiosity and how important NASA is to us because the technology we have wouldn’t have been so advanced if NASA did not exist.
Many people believe that the government is spending a lot of the nation’s tax money on NASA, and so they are arguing that we over funding the space agency and instead, the money should be spent on the military, while others say that he nation’s tax money spendings should get rearranged, and NASA should be given a higher budget.
Unfortunately, many Americans think that 23% of the country’s budget is spent on NASA. Nevertheless, this assumption nowhere close to the real numbers. NASA earns only .7% of the country’s tax allowance. Not only does this .7% of the budget produce the cutting-edge technology we currently have, but it is also crucial in helping humans, as species, widen our habitat across the universe.
So far, NASA has developed many advanced technologies that are essential in our daily life, including but not limited to CAT scanners, and the pacemakers.
Currently, NASA is funded notably less than it used to receive, only 4% of the nation budget, but that does not mean the end for NASA’s advancement. We use NASA’s inventions every day without even realizing it, and ranging from vacuum cleaners to fitness machines the you see at a gym.
Earth’s population is continually increasing, with a current number of 7 billion people, and due to the significant demand on limited resources (fossil, gas, etc…), NASA has invented the solar cells that are highly efficient, and durable.
Also, NASA is planning to send humans to Mars in 2020 as a first step of permanently establishing a residence in planet other than Earth.
For a fact, we know that our planet is not going to last forever, and therefore, we have to find a new planet to habituate.

NASA has already sent a significant number people into space. Meanwhile, some still criticize the government for “overfunding” the space agency.
The argument over where the money should go comes from the majority of those who identify themselves as conservatives. They believe that the taxpayers money should be spent on the military instead of NASA. However, what they do not realize is that the government is already funding the military with all the materials needed.
The U.S. is known its compelling and advanced military, and while it is known for a fact that we are spending a portion of the army’s allowance on developing weapons that no known enemy could be close to developing such powerful weapons, a change in the budget scheme to move NASA’s funds to the military would be unnecessary.
In other words, NASA is underfunded rather than being “overfunded,” and the army’s allowance is enough to keep our nation and citizens safe.
Those, who favor over funding the military over NASA, don’t realize that cutting NASA’s budget will set us far back in the “space race,” and will cut thousands of jobs.Over 4,500 people lost their jobs recently because of the budget cut.
In 2005, the Congress asked the space agency to detect and map all NEOs (Near Earth Objects) by 2020. Later, NASA was tasked to protect our planet against asteroids.
Despite the fact that NASA is officially recognized as an essential government agency, NASA is receiving only about 18 billion dollars to defend our planet and develop cutting-edge technology. With more money there is to spend on NASA, the greater chance of predicting and preventing feasible disasters. Still, more money is being dedicated to the defense of our nation from threats that are little-to-no chance of happening.
Our government annually spend more money on the Department of Defense (USDOD) than has NASA’s combined budget since its existence.
Over 614 billion dollars were to be spent on the National Defense in 2015.
The space agency Everything NASA has ever developed in the past 50 years, from landing on the moon to predicting the weather, has been accomplished with significantly less money than two years of spendings on defending our country and citizens from whatever threats are coming from other people and nations.