A career in pediatrics is a career that never stops exciting you. Everyday is an amazing journey that is filled with happy smiles of healthy children. Although, neonatologist works to keep premature underdeveloped babies alive right after birth and receives a greater salary, I believe the pediatric career is a better career path. Pediatrician careers are researched to be increasing over the next six years in the U.S and they are not exposed to as much of the emotional stress that neonatologist have. In addition, pediatricians have a greater variation of career advancements.
Aside from the occupational trends of pediatric physicians, pediatricians are often exposed to less stressful scenarios than neonatologist. For example, pediatricians are doctors who specialize in the care of young people, from birth to adolescence. (Career Cruising, 01) The babies and children that pediatricians work with are commonly healthy and pediatricians do not have to carefully supervise and make difficult decisions about the child’s health as much as neonatologist do. Neonatologist interacts with premature and underdeveloped babies. Often decisions may need to be made quickly in order for the child to live and maintain its health. Also, neonatologist must communicate with parents about the child and know how to calm parent’s anxiety and stress. (Decision-Making and Empathy, 01) Because of this, emotional issues are known to evolve while treating the patient and communicating with the parents. This makes the pediatrician profession facile and trouble-free.

An equally significant aspect of why the path of a pediatrician is more beneficial than neonatologists is that pediatricians have a wide variation of career advancements unlike neonatologists. Advancements such as pediatric oncologist, endocrinologists, and even surgeons exist in pediatric physicians. “Pediatric oncology is the treatment of children, ages 0-18, who have cancer. Pediatric oncologists diagnose, treat and help manage pain in children with cancer.” (Pediatric Oncology, 01) Pediatric endocrinologists “specialize in the treatment of children who have problems with growth, diabetes, puberty or other problems with hormones in the body.” (Pediatric Endocrinologist, 01) Neonatologists do not have any professional development besides gaining more experience in their field. Neonatologists do not have beneficial career advancements in their occupation as pediatricians do which makes the career less satisfying for some.
Although the pediatrician profession is the career that suits my interests, a neonatologist career is not entirely all that bad. Neonatologist makes a higher salary. The average salary of a neonatologist is $229,041 per year, and a pediatrician on the other hand makes about $161,732 per year. (Comparisons, 01) Although both professionals specialize in treating children, neonatologists have a more specialized knowledge which is a reasonable explanation for a higher salary. Though this factor does not affect me entirely, although, if pediatricians made a higher salary the career would be even more amazing.
The pediatric career is stated as better profession because the employment trend is increasing. Due to this, applicants are more likely to be accepted into the program and there is less competition between applicants. Also, unlike neonatologist, pediatricians are exposed to a less stressful work environment which makes the career easier to cope with. Although both careers are highly successful, becoming a pediatrician is the favorable path.