
The Cuban Missile Crisis Essay

The Cuban missile crisis was a nearly end of the world event that involved two big and powerful nations of the world. It started between the US and Cuba, and USSR got involved. It was a 13  day depression that first started in the bay of pigs in 1962 . USA had a very strong hat for communism, and tried to help other countries avoid it. When Cuba turned communist it was a devastating moment for the US after all they have been doing to end communism.

The name of the war called the bay of pigs came from the place where the US tried to kill the leader of Cuba called Castro.It involved 1 ,200 CIA agents. They were sent by Kennedy to kill Castro. Castro found out, so he started getting ready for the attack. The US were not successful because they didn’t have enough men to kill Castro since he was very prepared. Castro captured all of them and sent them back to the US to make Kennedy look weak.The FBI investigated what happened and said it was the perfect failure.

Castro feared that the US would attack him, so he contacted the USSR. The USSR heard about the failure of the US, and was happy to help Cuba. The USSR sent nuclear missiles to Cuba, and Cuba is next to US. The US heard about it so they sent their nuclear missiles to Turkey, and Turkey is next to the USSR. They also blocked the USSR from giving missiles to Cuba. It was known as a blockade.

In order for this crisis to be over, there had to be an agreement. The US agreed to remove the missiles from Turkey. The USSR agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. The US also agreed to never attack Cuba and Castro again. This was a terrifying time of the world that it was at the climax of the ending.

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