The Truth Behind The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars was written by John Michael Green. This novel came about as an outcome of both Green’s experience working with terminally ill children and his experiences with his online fans, and one specifically. Green gives credit for the novel to his friendship with Esther Earl, the young lady to whom he devoted it to. As indicated by Green, Esther was a Nerdfighter, which are fans of Hank and John Green and their Vlogbrothers videos, who died from thyroid cancer in 2010. Green had become close with Esther, her companions, and her family in the years before her passing. In spite of the fact that Esther never saw the novel in its distributed structure, Green has uncovered that much of The Fault in Our Stars was motivated by Esther’s life and their friendship, saying even that without her the novel would not be what it is. Even though a diagnosis of cancer can be a devastating life-ender, cancer kids can still live fulfilling lives, because Esther still lived her life in the best way she knew how, clichés are not true most of the time, and we should educate ourselves about the truth behind life with cancer!
There are genuine and various contrasts between the novel’s hero, Hazel Grace Lancaster, and Esther Earl, he admits there are a few similarities between the two. As Green said, Esther’s greatest commitment to the novel was that he genuinely liked her and was really hurt when she passed away. For him, composing the novel was a method for working through his own anguish and outrage and grappling with the departure of a cherished companion, who taught him an extraordinary arrangement about the truths, clichés, and revulsions that are a piece of living with cancer. There is also a lot of symbolism and metaphors within the book. For example: water, the grenade, Augustus’s cigarettes, An Imperial Affliction, and existentialism all have a deeper meaning than what is portrayed.
The characters in The Fault in Our Stars, eminently Augustus and Hazel, as often as possible use allegories as a shorthand they can use to discuss overpowering subjects. For example, Augustus depicts shooting “existentially fraught” free tosses on the day preceding the removal of his leg. The free tosses in this occasion turn into an illustration for Augustus’ feeling of reason, subsequent to preceding his leg removal he was a top pick ball player, and losing his leg implied a conclusion to sports. He all of a sudden started to question why this action was so critical, yet the suggestion is that he all of a sudden started thinking of what his motivation may be all the more comprehensively. Also, he forms an image that is remarkably his own: He regularly keeps a unlit cigarette in his mouth with a specific end goal to symbolize his control over a thing that can end him, specifically cancer. This is the definite type of control neither Augustus, nor Hazel, nor Isaac has with regards to their malignancies, and it’s fitting that Augustus depends on the criticalness of the cigarette image to give him quality in times of vulnerability. The mutual companion of Hazel’s and Augustus’, who encourages their presentation at Support Group. Isaac is pessimistic by nature. Cancer-blinded and broken-hearted by his first love, Monica, Isaac frequently exemplifies wariness and fierceness. It is also important that he gets his name from Biblical Isaac, who likewise was blind. Hazel has her own particular symbolism used frequently. She compares herself to a grenade when she envisions the torment she will bring about to her friends and family when she dies. In every occasion, the allegory permits the character to deal with the current subject, Hazel’s approaching demise for instance, without calling it by name.

Water in The Fault in Our Stars for the most part straightforwardly speaks to agony in both its negative and positive ways. Water, for example, symbolizes the liquid that gathers in Hazel’s lungs as a consequence of her disease. This fluid causes Hazel an immense measure of misery in the novel. It constrains her to utilize an oxygen tank, restrains her capacity to do any genuine strenuous movement, and it almost ends her at a certain point. She compares the anguish she feels in that case to being crushed by waves yet not able to suffocate. This sort of affliction is clearly negative. In the meantime, it’s huge that Augustus’ last name is Waters. He is Hazel’s love interest in the novel, and his physical decay and possible death cause Hazel an extreme measure of torment. Hazel, notwithstanding, wouldn’t exchange that torment for anything. It’s a characteristic of the adoration she feels for Augustus, which makes it a sort of positive torment. Hazel even uses the relationship of being crushed by waves however not able to suffocate again to depict the way she feels after Augustus passes away. In doing as such she makes an allegory with two parallel sides: one where drowning in water speaks to the negative enduring of her growth, and the other where suffocating in water speaks to the positive enduring of her losing Augustus. Augustus aggregates up this double nature of misery, and water, in the last letter he keeps in touch with Van Houten. When he discovered Hazel was hospitalized, he snuck into her room in the ICU and discovered her there oblivious. A medical caretaker let him know Hazel was Augustus depicts this plenitude of water to Van Houten as “A desert blessing, an ocean curse.” Also, it’s important that the two areas in the novel, Indianapolis, and Amsterdam, are waterway urban communities. Amsterdam, specifically, is under consistent danger of being immersed by the over-powering waters, similar to Hazel herself to some degree. It’s likewise home to Peter Van Houten, whom we learn is suffocating, as it were, in his own particular enduring over losing his girl numerous years prior to cancer. At last, the epigraph of The Fault in Our Stars, taken from the meta-novel, An Imperial Affliction, offers another layer of purpose to water’s imagery. It alludes to water as “conjoiner rejoinder poisoner concealer revelator,” giving it a transcendent quality, similar to a divine being, and thinks about water to time, both of which bring everything with them in their tide.
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