Is Vegan the way to go?
The study aims to answer different questions that will always arise regarding veganism. More and more people are moving towards a complete vegan diet in recent years. The research seeks to respond to questions as to why people become vegans. Besides, I hope to understand what reasons inform such people in taking such dietary changes. Also, the research aims to explain the health benefits and the shortcomings of total vegan diets and its effects on the body. It seeks to decide on whether a vegan diet is the best way to go for improved health. The research won’t miss evaluating the cost of veganism in comparison to other foods.
Working Thesis
The research aims to discover under what circumstances people end up becoming vegans and analyze the health effects of veganism to determine whether it is the healthiest way to live.
Many people have switched back and forth from a vegan diet, and thus, I want to understand the reasons and effects of such behavior. My interest in this topic has led me to questions most of my vegan friends regarding their diet choices. Vegans neither eat animal products nor their by-products that include eggs and milk products. Ethical vegans have been shown to even avoid the use of products as leather, wool, and soaps and silk (NHS choices). Most people will choose veganism based on their perceived environmental, health and ethical issues. The term was initially described by Donald Watson in 1944 first referring to abstinence from dairy products and later to advocate for man’s independence from animals as a source of food. The practice, however, can be traced even
to the ancient Greek philosophers as Pythagoras. Recently, the diet has become more mainstream with various restaurants offering vegan diets as part of their menu. Celebrities, politicians and athletes have been the latest advocates for veganism. Some supermarkets retail exclusively on vegan products. Nevertheless, there have been concerns regarding the harmful effects of completely shunning off animal products with most quarters citing deficiencies of certain essential vitamins as that being associated with the vegan communities (The Vegetarian Resource Group).

It is important to review the vegan diets to inform those who wish to consider such diets on which foods to use to supplement their nutritional requirements and thus avoid nutritional deficiencies. I hope to help my classmates understand the reasons behind a shift to vegan lives. I hope to make vegans understand the importance of supplementing their routine vegan diets with nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, and essential fatty acids. It will bring a whole new campaign advocating for a supplemented vegan diet. Vegans might be at risk of developing nutritional deficiencies as plant products have a limited bio-availability of these minerals.
The research will entail reviewing the already available information in peer-reviewed journals reporting other past similar researches. The journals will act as my primary sources for the research. Besides, I wish to get some interviews with local vegans to try and understand why they prefer veganism and their perceived health benefits of the same. Articles from magazines and various websites will act as my secondary sources. The sites will provide information regarding the perspectives of different vegan societies and celebrities. Moreover, reviewing the different websites by companies advertising their range of vegan products will help …