Are our thoughts capable of excreting vibrational energy? Vibrational energy is a topic that both scientists and spiritualists have studied alike. To some, this may seem far-fetched, but in this paper, I will analyze both the scientific and spiritual view at hand. I argue that we have a level of control over the thoughts we think, which can be refined through spiritual practices, and by becoming more conscientious of our thoughts, then we can make an impact on our level of happiness. This is important because our vibrational energy can affect the energy of those around us, it can increase our awareness of spiritual consciousness, and we can have more control over our reactions to situations and gain a stronger sense of self-control.
First, let’s take a look at what spiritualists are saying about thoughts carrying vibrational energy. Perhaps to some considered New Age, but several Spiritual Teachers have gone to great lengths to explain the value of choosing your thoughts carefully. Esther Hicks is a teacher on The Law of Attraction. (“Abraham-Hicks Publications,” n.d.) She is said to channel a collective consciousness known by the name Abraham. This is done by allowing her mind to fall into a sort of a meditative trance. The teachings that come from Abraham depict the importance of being aware of thoughts to maintain happiness and attract what we want to attrack into our lives. Abraham states that our thoughts have a range of vibrations. The better our thought is, the higher the vibration is; and the more negative the thought is, the lower the vibration is. Abraham says that the vibrations from our thoughts emit and attract similar vibrations, thereby bringing like energy in our experience whether it is positive or negative. (“Abraham-Hicks Publications,” n.d.) Abraham’s message boils down to the notion, if one wants to be happy, then they need to choose thoughts with a higher vibrational rate, and the more often this is done, the easier it will be staying in that state.

Another spiritual teacher who shares the same point of view is Dr. Wayne Dyer. (“About Wayne Dyer,” n.d.) He is a New York Time’s bestselling author who has written over 40 books while holding a doctoral degree in Educational Counseling. He has been on countless radio shows and podcasts, as well as appearing on television programs including specials on PBS. Dr. Wayne Dyer states that our inner thoughts carry vibrational frequencies. (“The Love Equation,” 2011) He says that the thoughts in alignment with love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy all carry a higher vibrational level frequency and can build an individual up. At the same time, he says that there are lower level thoughts that are in the realms of hate, shame, guilt, and fear which weaken a person and their ability to live a happy life. He teaches that through the practice of teaching self-love, by way of thinking, loving, high energy thoughts, one can live a happy, fulfilled life and also emit universal positive energy to all around us.
Next, we can take a look at vibrational energy from a scientific perspective. Albert Einstein is arguably one of the most respected genius’. He was quoted as saying “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” This really speaks volumes! The word “everything” encapsulates all that is, including our thoughts. He speaks of matching a certain vibrational frequency, which can be interpreted as there being varying vibrational levels, both high and low. Therefore, if one is emitting high-level vibrations, then like vibrations are in alignment and visa verse.