When asking people around the world this question, there is a variety of responses. There are people that believe the most important education that one can receive comes from sitting in a classroom. Another set of the populous believes the best education one can receive is from living life in the real world. There is some truth in both of these responses. Let us examine why education, in the classroom and the real world, is important to all members of society.
Education, even the most basic education, is essential for everyone for one key reason, literacy. Everyone should have the ability to read and write. The ability to read and write is fundamentally important for having a truly fulfilling life. Individuals living in first world, or developed, countries, literacy is essential for daily living. Unless everything an individual does is via verbal agreement, individuals need the ability to read a variety of documents.
Renting or owning a home, purchasing a car and health insurance requires the signing of assorted contracts. In order to understand these contracts fully, it is important for the individual to be literate so they can read the document for themselves. The ability to read the document affords the individual with the ability to read all of the requirements associated with renting or owning a home, car, or getting health insurance. If an individual lacks the ability to read, they have to depend on someone else to explain the document to them. This can result in someone taking advantage of his or her uneducated, or illiterate, state.
Unfortunately, at present there are approximately 32,000,000 adults in the United States who are classed as being illiterate. The frightening part is that statistics show that around two thirds of students who are unable to read proficiently by 4th Grade are going to end up either in jail or living on welfare. As many as 70% of the inmates in the United States Penitentiary System cannot read beyond a 4th grade level.
In today’s society, finding a fulfilling career can be a tricky process. When filling out applications for jobs the people with the highest level of education often have more doors open for them than their lesser educated counterparts. It is quite common for an employer to pass over the individual with only a high school education for someone with a college degree. In some cases, a college degree trumps experience. Ideally, employers want someone with a high level of education as well as experience. You will also find that statistically, college graduates earn up to 65% more than high school graduates so financially it is well worth seeking further education before entering the workforce.

Education is important for more than just the necessities of life. Educated people can enhance their lives through reading, writing, visiting museums, and learning about different cultures. With an education, people can become more tolerant of others and develop better self-esteem through their accomplishments. Education also opens the door to creativity in a variety of forms, from music to art.
Real world education is what people learn simply by living life. It teaches us how to interact with one another. It teaches us what people expect from us in certain scenarios and how to handle ourselves in an assortment of situations. People who understand how to interact with others have the ability to have a happy, fulfilling life in careers that may not necessarily require an extensive education. Real word education teaches us things that none of the information contained in textbooks can offer people. In order to learn some things, one needs to experience them firsthand.
Education, be it in a classroom or out in the real world, is important for everyone. Education provides individuals with the knowledge necessary to get a good career, which in turn aids people in living a comfortable life. Furthermore, educated people have a better understanding of the world going on around them, what is right and wrong, and have the ability to do more for their community. In summary, when a person is educated they are providing themselves with the skills and information necessary to have the happiest and most successful life possible.