Some say one of the biggest controversies can be the issue that if Shakespeare wrote his plays or not, Although there is no real proof that Shakespeare did write his plays, the support that he didn’t outweighs the other theory. Shakespeare didn’t write his plays, Other more eligible writer did like a famous writer named Marlowe. Shakespeare Spent time acting in London before returning to Stratford, where he lived until his death in 1616. Shakespeare is supposed of writing 37 plays and 154 sonnets. William Shakespeare was born on April, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616. He grew up in Stratford and had a regular education. His father was the mayor but over time got fired. Shakespeare could not have written his plays. Another man named Christopher Marlowe was a professional educational writer who could have written shakespeare’s plays. Marlowe was writing at the same time as Shakespeare. There is very little known on shakespeare, the one writing by him is one signature.Shakespeare did not write his plays, this is supported by many theories and ideas. William Shakespeare has no evidence that he was eligible to write his plays.
A popular writer who was very smart is a large thought suspect to write shakespeare’s plays. This man is Christopher Marlowe. Marlowe was the same age as Shakespeare. Christopher was going to jail, but he made a plan to fake his death. Marlowes plan was to say he got cut by a drunk man as a self defence act at a party and he bled out from the wound. Marlowe didn’t go to jail since everyone thought he was dead and Marlowe wrote plays under shakespeare’s name so he was his successor. There’s no evidence of Shakespeare writing the plays.”Marlowe was born in 1564, the same year as Shakespeare, and was a product of the same social class. Unlike Shakespeare, however, Marlowe was university-educated. This solid foundation in the classics made him a talented translator and also informed his darkly hip poetry. Marlowe popularized a change in the way poetry was written, heavily influenced by Latin, and by the late 1580s his way of writing was the state of the art, to which almost all other writers aspired(”. Marlowe had a degree in school which shakespeare did not, Marlowe was also very popular since his plays were always hits.

William Shakespeare did not have a good education during his schooling years. For example his dad had him drop out of school because of financial issues. He didn’t get the full learning experience of school. He also learned just grammar at the school since it was a grammar school. There is little known about these “lost years” he couldn’t of not been studying during these years since his family needed money. This means he was working for his father to get money for his later schooling years. Meanwhile Marlowe was at school gaining education that he uses to write his plays. These extra years were important for Marlowe to almost get ahead of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s success also came right after Marlowe faked his death and wrote using shakespeare name (paulson). “During the years that Shakespeare attended the school, at least one and possibly three headmasters stepped down because of their devotion to the Catholic religion proscribed by Queen Elizabeth” (pruitt)” This means that he lost a good teacher during the years he did go to school. A substitute that was a lower rank than the original teacher would have been teaching so Shakespeare wouldn’t have learned as much when Marlowe wa learning more than him. At this point Marlowe was interested in writing plays and creating poems. “No record of his schooling. Not one single manuscript in his own hand of even a fragment of his amazing body of work”(Hechinger, Paul).
Another theory presents a new idea that a playwright named De Vere who wrote plays at the same time of shakespeare’s popularity could have written shakespeare’s plays. “He was born on 12 April 1550 at Castle Hedingham, his family’s ancestral home. His father, John de Vere, 16th Earl, was Lord Great Chamberlain and attended the coronations of both Mary and Elizabeth Tudor. His mother was Margaret Golding”(De vere society). His background is very similar to shakespeare’s as a youth. Both had “famous” fathers, lord chamberlain and a mayor. “his argument suggests that the Bard’s own literacy may not have been high. This is backed up the very circumstantial evidence that William’s father could neither read or write. His own daughter Judith, could only manage writing an X on her marriage certificate. Further proof comes from anecdotal evidence that the few signature’s of the Bard that remain today only show a poor scrawl, hardly representative of a major literary figure. Furthermore Oxfordian correctly point out that there are no manuscripts of Shakespeare’s plays in his own writing whereas many of his counterparts left behind a legacy of notes and scrawls related to their work.” (Absolute shakespeare). De vere was a famous writer at the time like Marlowe and wrote very similar to “shakespeare’s work”. De vere also acted in some of shakespeare’s plays that he wrote. Shakespeare was almost a doll that De Vere would write for under his name, just like the marlowe theory.
The biggest controversy has been solved. The answer is that Shakespeare was not eligible to write his plays because of his lack of knowledge. To substitute this Christopher Marlowe or De Vere would have been able to write the plays since they were both geniuses.. The controversy over of shakespeare’s plays had been long going, but the support shows that Shakespeare could not have written his plays.